(click to enlarge)
General characteristics
- Crew: none
- Length: 27 ft (8.22 m)
- Wingspan: 48.7 ft (14.8 m (dependent on block of aircraft))
- Height: 6.9 ft (2.1 m)
- Wing area: 123.3 sq ft[49] (11.5 m²)
- Empty weight: 1,130 lb[50] (512 kg)
- Loaded weight: 2,250 lb (1,020 kg)
- Max takeoff weight: 2,250 lb[50] (1,020 kg)
- Powerplant: 1× Rotax 914F turbocharged Four-cylinder engine, 115 hp[50] (86 kW)
- Maximum speed: 135 mph (117 knots, 217 km/h)
- Cruise speed: 81–103 mph (70–90 knots, 130–165 km/h)
- Stall speed: 62 mph (54 knots (dependent on weight of aircraft), 100 km/h)
- Range: >2,000 nm[51] (3,704 km, 2,302 miles)
- Service ceiling: 25,000 ft [50] (7,620 m)
2 hard points
- 2 × AGM-114 Hellfire (MQ-1B)
- 2 × AIM-92 Stinger (unknown number) (MQ-1B)
The following 2 pictures are from the MQ-9 Reaper, Predator's big brother.
The MQ-9 is a larger and more capable aircraft than the earlier MQ-1 Predator. It can use
MQ-1's ground systems. The MQ-9 has a 950-shaft-horsepower (712 kW) turboprop engine, far
more powerful than the Predator's 115 hp (86 kW) piston engine. The increase in power allows
the Reaper to carry 15 times more ordnance and cruise at three times the speed of the MQ-1.
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(click to enlarge)
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