Thursday, October 30, 2008

Scylla v1.0b

Sometimes when you are exploiting a path traversal, you can't find a file, that could be frustrating.
Scylla will let you generate Triton exploit paths to scan for a target file in multiple locations.

You'll need java 1.6 to use it, so it will work in any box except for MacOS 10.4.9... Shit happens
when you depend of a monopoly

If you have any suggestion, bug reports, money, girlz or whatever PM me or send me a mail.

I hope you find this tool useful guys.

md5sum: 8cbf46a3a563bce13226dbba661fb551
sha1sum: ac4a0faad310658cd3dc603abe26a0bb391d2801


Scylla - Triton paths generator
Coded by APX, Buenos Aires 2008
th4 f00k1ng c0wb0ys c0d1ng t3am
apx.808 [@]


1 - Intro
2 - Use
3 - Thanks
4 - Version history

[1 - Intro]

It's common in path traversal exploits to have problems
finding a file, httpd.conf anyone?
Well, the aim of this app it's to solve this issue.
Scylla will create a Triton exploit paths list to scan with
the different locations to search that you specify.

[2 - Use]

-Load the xploit data manually or using the "import" option
to import from a Triton exploit file.

-Add the tag "<PATH>" to the place you want Scylla to add
the posible locations. Also, don't forget that Scylla won't make
the traversal, so you'll need to provide the ../ be it in your
locations file or in the xploit path field, the same happens with
the poison byte. YOU are the one who exploits, Scylla just will
make easier a repetitive task.


Xploit path: /cgi-bin/vuln.php?file=../../..<PATH>

-Load a file with the posible locations of the file you are
looking for.

-Select a destination file.

-Push "generate".

-Now load the file with Triton and start scanning.

NOTE: Be careful how you use this because can be

Keep your simultaneos bots count low and
scan multiple sites if possible.

[3 - Thanks]

I would like to thanks Ange, Rudelgurke and my
fellow fooking cowboy Ex0rphine for your testing help.

[4 - Version History]

25-07-2008 - Project starts.

29-07-2008 - v1.0b starts being beta tested.

01-08-2008 - v1.0b Released to public.

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