Friday, August 26, 2011

Epic libyan fighters

Here is a collection of epic libyan fighters DKconfiguration posted at

Original Epic Libyan rebel

Sword Guy

Epic rebel guitar guy

Epic rebel collector guy

Epic rebel hippie

And we can't forget, this one added to the list by me the EPIC ANTI AIRCRAFT TURRET MAN!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I'm looking forward for this movie

Directed by Tim Szczesniak. Starring Robert Pralgo, Vanelle, Jeff Briggs. A rare astronomical
event causes a permanent worldwide black out, forcing residents of a middle-class suburb to get
by with no modern conveniences. The community pulls together and adapts to a simpler way of
life, but their success draws the attention of the less resourceful residents in the area and soon
results in a war between subdivisions

hit counter script